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{BPHCT 131-134} IGNOU 1st-year complete syllabus

Physics 1st-year complete syllabus

Ignou provided Bscg 1st year syllabus for BSCG students. Here we provide you complete Syllabus for Physics (BPHCT). You can download these syllabi in pdf.

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 Physics Complete 1st Year  Download PDF

1. BPHCT-131

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Mathematical Preliminaries: Geometrical and algebraic representation of vectors, vector algebra, scalar, and vector products, derivatives of a vector with respect to a scalar. First-order homogeneous ordinary differential equations, separable and linear first-order ordinary differential equations. Second-order homogeneous ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients.

Basic Concepts of Mechanics: Newton’s laws of motion, frames of reference, straight-line motion, motion in a plane, uniform circular motion, 3-d motion. Applications of Newton’s law of motion, friction, tension, gravitation, spring-mass system – Hooke’s law. Satellite in circular orbit and applications, geosynchronous orbits, the basic idea of global positioning system (GPS). Weight and weightlessness. Linear momentum, conservation of linear momentum, impulse, impulse-momentum theorem, the motion of rockets. Work and energy, conservation of energy. Kinematics of angular motion, angular displacement, angular velocity and angular acceleration, general angular motion. Dynamics of rotational motion, torque, rotational inertia, the kinetic energy of rotation, angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum and its applications. The motion of a particle in a central force field, motion in a plane,

conservation of angular momentum, the constancy of areal velocity, Kepler’s laws (statement only).

Many-Particle Systems: centre of mass, determination of the centre of mass of discrete mass distributions, the centre of mass of a rigid body (qualitative), dynamics of a system of particles, linear momentum, angular momentum and energy conservation laws for many-particle systems. Head-on and 2-d collisions.

Harmonic Oscillations: Simple harmonic motion, differential equation of SHM and its solutions, kinetic energy, potential energy, and total energy of SHM and their time averages. Superposition of harmonic oscillations, linearity and superposition principle, superposition of collinear oscillations having equal frequencies and having different frequencies (beats), superposition of orthogonal oscillations with equal and unequal frequency, Lissajous figures and their uses. Damped oscillations, equation of motion of damped oscillations and its solution (without derivation), qualitative description of the solution for heavy, critical and weak damping, characterizing damped oscillations, logarithmic decrement, relaxation time and quality factor. Wave motion, qualitative description, wave formation, and propagation, describing wave motion, frequency, wavelength and velocity of the wave, mathematical description of wave motion.

2. BPHCL-132

Mechanics Laboratory
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Unit I: Measurements and error analysis.

Unit II: Graphing.

List of Experiments:

1. Length measurement.
2. Determination of moment of inertia of a flywheel about its axis of rotation.
3. Determination of Young’s modulus by bending of beams.
4. Determination of the modulus of rigidity of a wire using Maxwell’s needle.
5. Determination of elastic constants of a wire by Searle’s method.
6. Determination of acceleration due to gravity using bar pendulum.
7. Determination of acceleration due to gravity by Kater’s pendulum.
8. Study of the motion of a spring-mass system: determination of spring constant and value of acceleration due to gravity.
9. Determination of frequency of tuning fork using sonometer.
10. Study of Lissajous figures using a cathode ray oscilloscope.

3. BPHCT-133

Electricity and Magnetism 
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Vector Analysis: Brief review of vector algebra (scalar and vector products). Scalar fields and their gradient and its significance.Vector fields, divergence and curl of the vector field and their significance. Vector integration, line and surface integrals of vector fields, volume integrals. Vector integral theorems, divergence theorem and Stoke's theorem (statement only).

Electrostatics: Electrostatic force and electric field, electric flux, Gauss's law of electrostatics. Applications of Gauss’s law - electric field due to point charge, uniformly charged spherical shell and solid sphere, an infinite line of charge, plane charged sheet, charged conductor.

Electric potential, electric potential as a line integral of the electric field, potential due to a point charge, potential due to a system of charges, calculation of electric field from potential, electric field and potential due to electric dipole, electric dipole in an electric field. Electric potential due to continuous charge distributions, line charge, uniformly charged spherical shell and uniformly charged non-conducting solid sphere, equipotential surfaces, electrostatic potential energy.

Electrostatics in Medium and Magnetism: Dielectric medium, dielectric in the electric field, polarisation, displacement vector, Gauss's law in dielectrics. Capacitors, the capacitance of an isolated spherical conductor, parallel plate, spherical and cylindrical capacitors, parallel plate capacitor completely filled with a dielectric, energy per unit volume in the electrostatic field. The magnetic field, electric current and magnetism, current density, continuity equation, source of the magnetic field, Gauss’s law for magnetism, Biot-Savart law and its applications – long straight wire carrying current and circular coil, the force between two parallel conductors – definition of Ampere. Ampere’s law, applications of Ampere’s law – long straight current-carrying wire and current-carrying solenoid, differential form of Ampere’s law, divergence and curl of magnetic field, magnetic vector potential. Magnetic properties of materials, magnetic induction, magnetic intensity, permeability, magnetic susceptibility, brief introduction of diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials.

Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction, Lenz's law, self and mutual inductance, self-inductance of single-coil, the mutual inductance of two coils. Energy stored in the magnetic field. Equation of continuity for current, displacement current, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves, transverse nature of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic wave propagation through a vacuum and isotropic dielectric medium, Poynting vector, the energy density in the electromagnetic field.

4. BPHCL-134

Electricity and Magnetism: Laboratory 
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 List of Experiments:

1. Measurements with a multimeter.

2. Study of magnetisation intensity in a magnetic material.
3. Study of a series RC circuit.
4. Study of a series LCR circuit.
5. Study a parallel LCR circuit.
6. Determination of low resistance by Carey Foster’s bridge.
7. Verification of Thevenin and Norton theorems.
8. Verification of superposition and maximum power transfer theorems.
9. I-V characteristics of a p-n junction diode.
10. Study of half-wave/full-wave rectifiers and filter circuits.

Final Word:-

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